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Top Generative AI Tech Companies

Aindo Eu

early growth

Our novel technology INTUITE.AI takes a corporate data-set as input and produces a synthetic data-set as output, that exhibits the same statistical properties, unhinging it from any legal bond

Aleph Alpha

late growth

Artificial intelligence research and development for the next generation of generalizable artificial intelligence


late growth

At Anyword, we make stories relevant and powerful for the world’s best storytellers like The New York Times, The BBC, National Geographic, Forbes, and Red Bull

Astria AI


Tailor-made AI image generation

early growth

Building the next generation of conversational AI in style of various characters

late growth

An AI powered digital advertisement and marketing company that saves time and increases conversion rates


early growth

Uses cutting edge machine learning to augment content creation process, from blog posts to ad variants, product descriptions, taglines, and landing pages


early growth

A startup that provides open speech tech for everyone

Text Cortex AI

early growth

Hyper charging language generation in every textbox


early growth

Create AI videos from just text. Builds customized AI videos with a presenter in minutes without using a camera, studio and a greenscreen


late growth

Creates personalized soundscapes to help you focus, relax, and sleep


late growth

Provides a work assistant that allows and helps employees to find any piece of data through at their workplace

Hour One AI

late growth

Provides computer-generated video production capabilities intended for use by media agencies and brands

Jasper AI

late growth

An AI content platform that allows individuals and teams to use AI to scale their strategies


early growth


early growth

Offering a better way for creators and teams to manage their creative assets and collaborate on ideas, boards, and presentations


late growth

Everything you need to easily write emails that get replies


late growth

Provides data in real time to anyone across the healthcare ecosystem in the format they need and with the privacy controls they require, enhancing the usability and access of existing data and reducing costs associated with data aggregation a


late growth

A platform to capture and access information from anywhere

Mindtech Global

early growth

Synthetic data company specializing in the creation of high-quality training data for AI computer vision models



The backend for world-class documentation

Mostly AI

late growth

GPU-powered technology that enables organizations to simulate highly realistic, yet 100% anonymous synthetic customer data at scale


late growth

Musico is an AI-driven software engine that generates music. Revolutionary AI composition Musico's engines blend traditional and modern machine learning algorithms, and generatesd endless streams of copyright-free music in a wide variety of styles


late growth

An AI research and deployment company working on artificial general intelligence and generative AI

Prisma Labs

late growth

Deep Learning solutions for Computer Vision and AR

late growth

Building a tool which will take any piece of text and create a video of any person speaking that text


late growth

Magical AI tools, realtime collaboration, precision editing, and more

late growth

Building open AI tools that will let reach potential by designing and implementing solutions using collective intelligence and augmented technology


early growth

Anonymize visual data in a GDPR-compliant way to protect people’s privacy


early growth

An AI video cloning platform that creates hundreds of unique personalized videos in seconds


early growth

AI communication assistant for outreach


late growth

The most user-friendly collaborative design and prototyping tool for the entire team—powered by machine learning and computer vision


late growth

A simple online voice modifier and transformer

WellSaid Labs

late growth

WellSaid Labs is the leading AI text-to-speech technology company and first synthetic media service to achieve human-parity in voice


late growth

An AI writing assistant useful for smart content production


early growth

AI-powered content to boost website's SEO and generate more traffic


late growth

An independent research lab exploring new mediums of thought and expanding the imaginative powers of the human species

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